

Sunday, November 16, 2014

If you move here, don't forget your...

So guess who moved to Japan without a 3-prong adapter? Me? Nooo....yes. I'm pretty sure I have one coming in the mail, mixed in with some other things of ours. Or we could hop a train to the nearest city and get it there, but that would cost about $30 for the tickets for a $3 product.

Does this look naked to you?
Edit: shout out to our friend, Vince, for letting us know that we can break the ground prong off for things like laptop adapters, which is really the only 3-prong I have. It came off much easier than I thought it would, and I'm back in action again!

Update: we picked one up on a trip to Mito city, and a few came in the mail, too! Now Doug's laptop is hooked up!

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