


You may be disappointed, but this blog is really not about sledding around the world. It's about my little family and our unexpected worldwide adventures. So why the name? Our first initials spell out "sled." There, mystery solved.

Here's why I'm writing this blog: a big chunk of it is to give friends and family the details that are just too numerous to mention on Facebook. I can paint a picture there, but it’s not a very big one. Another reason is to provide some depth and insight to those who are curious about our journey. A third reason is to prove that this can be done by average people, because my husband and I definitely do not see ourselves as overly adventurous, or as risk-takers, or as people who are particularly exciting in general (things I thought were prerequisites to moving to a foreign country). The idea of moving to Japan started as simply a long shot. The only reason we made it a reality is because we do see ourselves as practical people, and practical people need jobs and a place to live. 

So, here’s the window on our journey. I ask that you be patient with me while I find my voice, and forgive the many mistakes that I am bound to make. I want the majority of my time to be focused on establishing and enjoying my family in Japan, and I don’t want the blog to be a distraction from that. My writing will likely reflect that, being hasty at times or full of underdeveloped ideas (and spelling and grammar mistakes galore). Hopefully practice will make me better over time. My goal is to be kind but honest, and to share with you the overall experience of living in Japan.

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